Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Review: Benefit Sugarbomb

I love Benefit's boxed powders, they are so pretty, recently I picked up Sugarbomb, one of Benefit's newer blushes. This retails for $36 CAD, you can get it at Shoppers Drug Mart. It is expensive and my heart dies a little every time that I buy one of these, but they are so pretty and will last you forever because you do get so much product.

Sugarbomb comes in the standard Benefit cardboard box, with the flat brush and the plastic separator. I like to keep the separator and the brush in there, even though I don't really use the brush, it keeps it all secure. The brush is not terrible at all, I just prefer to use blush brushes like the Sigma F15 to apply this product.

 This powder comes with 4 different colours, a peach, rose, pink and lavender shade.You can use the colours separately or all swirled together to give a pretty pinky-peach glow to your face. As you can tell in the swatch above, the two pink colours are the ones that show up the most and give the actual colour of the blush. It does have some shimmer to it, but it's totally subtle and more of a glow effect.

I read reviews that said this does not show up on some skintones, so I was afraid that would be the case for me, but since I am so pale, it definitely does and can be used as a blush on me. If you are darker, you may only be able to use this as a highlighter only, but I feel it is quite pigmented..

Another nice feature of Benefit powders is they smell nice! Sugarbomb has a pleasant sweet, fruity scent to it. I can't help but smell it every time I use it.

Have you tried Sugarbomb?


Marilou said... Best Blogger Tips

I agree with you on the price tag but It worths it, I already have dandelion and coralista and I'm planning on buying Sugarbomb! Good to know that because I have a fair skin too I'm gonna be able to use it as a bronzer and not only a highlighter yay

Justine (Productrater) said... Best Blogger Tips

@Marilou - I have dandelion and hoola and love them, passed on coralista, despite how lovely it looks.. I have soo much coral blush!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

i loveee this too!! ^^

Nami said... Best Blogger Tips

i have sugarbomb and i love it!!!!! XDD


Kristie said... Best Blogger Tips

I love the Benefit blushes as well. They are less frosty compared to NARS. However, I really wish they would improve on the packaging.

Beauty Style Addict said... Best Blogger Tips

I've never tried Sugarbomb but it looks lovely... i'm tempted now to give it a try :)

Bailey said... Best Blogger Tips

ooh great post! I so want Sugarbomb or Dandelion. I can't make up my mind... maybe both?

Junerose said... Best Blogger Tips

Sugarbomb looks great on you, Justine. Very natural.

Justine (Productrater) said... Best Blogger Tips

@Bailey - I can do a dandelion review soon and can compare them if you like. ;)

Alina Rodriguez said... Best Blogger Tips

The blush looks really pretty on you :) I love how it gives your cheeks a nice, soft pop of color. Unfortunately, I am not much of a fan of Benefit products-I have had so much bad luck when it comes to using their concealers. But their boxed blushes are pretty cute. I will definitely try them someday ;)

Bailey said... Best Blogger Tips

That would be excellent!