
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Review: NARS Luster Blush

I don't think it's humanly possible to own ONLY one NARS blush. I say that because once I bought one, I had to have another, and another. It started with Gina, she was my first NARS blush love, then Taj Mahal and now Luster. Oh luster, you sparkle and give me stunning peachy bronze cheeks, you are the ultimate blush out there, you shine over every other. Luster is described on the Sephora website as a "sheer golden apricot", which is pretty accurate. To me this looks peachy/bronzey gold, aka perfection.

I love peach blush, and need to have it all, I am always finding pretty ones to add to my "to go" list. I've swatched it on my finger here, it's super pigmented and smooth. I had no issues with application, this colour is more definitely more natural on than Gina or Taj Mahal and can look great on any skin tone I think. I am NC15, aka super pale and this doubles as a sort of blush/bronzer for me, which is great.

When deciding whether or not to get Luster I researched beauty blogs and reviews online because I heard it was similar to MAC's Margin (on left above) which I already owned. In terms of MAC Margin vs NARS Luster, I was pleased when I did compare them myself that Luster is much more apricot-orange than Margin, which has much more pink-peachy tones in it. I think Margin is a great blush, but Luster is different enough for sure.

Swatched side by side, you can hopefully tell that Luster is more orange while Margin is more pinky/peach, and the NARS seems slightly better quality, it's smoother and has nicer texture, which says a lot because MAC blushes are quite nice.

However, I must say, I prefer the colour of NARS Luster more, the sheen is prettier on Margin (as shown in above image). Check out how glowy Margin comes off. The golden sheen in Luster seems to be finer and less obvious than that of Margin. Those last two pictures are the same, taken in sunlight, just took a side shot in the bottom to show the glow. MAC Margin is a frost finish, so that would explain the luminosity.

Would I recommend this product? Yes Yes Yes, NARS Luster is beautiful. For those of you that own Luster and Margin, which one do you prefer?


  1. I have Luster and love it. :) Margin looks way too frosty for me.

  2. I don't have either of these! Surprising, right? :) Hmm-I think I like the looks of Margin more. But Luster is gorgeous too! Choices!

  3. they both look really pretty, i agree about the not having 1 nars blusher :)

  4. LOL! I don't think it's humanly possible to own just one NARS blush either... I have some on order as we speak! And though I have/love MAC Margin, I'm really loving Luster too. Hmmmmm.

    I'll have to think about it. Great post!

  5. Luster looks lovely! I really need to try it out!

  6. i want margin! so pretty. it is true though, once you get one nars blush you can NOT only own one. i started with taj mahal then got taos and then exhibit a. LOVE

  7. wow, i love nars too
    and i want to give that nars luster a try

  8. luster was the first blush i ever bought 2 yrs ago and i still love it:)

  9. your review reminded me of my long time lemming on luster... i kinda forgot about it for a while, but now i'm totally dying to get it again... :)

  10. awesome comparison!!! both margin and luster are complete loves for me!!! glad to see them compared by u!

  11. Stop making me want NARS blushes, girl! My list can't keep up with your reviews!
    I can never have enough blushes, every time I think I'm satisfied I discover another one I'd love to have!

  12. I;ve been wearing my Margin blush a lot lately and I really love it.. But I've always wondered about about Luster and your comparison is amazing so thank you for that!

    You're right, Margin is a lil too frosty which I'm not a huge fan of, but I just love the shade too much..

    Amazing post hun.. Thanks heaps!

  13. You have sooooo many blushes , I'm slighty jealous :-)
    This one looks super pretty. I can not believe I don't own any nars powder blushes. Crazy, uh ?

  14. I always wondered if Lustre looked like Margin, because I own Margin and Lustre looked an awful lot like it. One of my friends said that Lustre is closer to Sunbasque than Margin, but it looks a lot like Margin, so I'll skip it for now. Thanks for the review.


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