
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Review: NARS Taj Mahal

Let me take a moment to profess my love for NARS Taj Mahal... this is a thing of beauty! NARS Taj Mahal is a true bright burnt orange blush with a pretty gold sheen. Just like all NARS blushes it's super pigmented and buttery quality, they make the best powder blushes in my opinion, at least from the ones that I've tried. I am a peach blush junkie, if there is a peach blush out there, I need to have it! And NARS Taj Mahal is up there with the best.

This is my second NARS blush ever, the first was Gina, which is beautiful and more of a peach orange, click here for that review. Taj Mahal is not available at Sephora, you have to order it from the NARS website, or as I did from (free shipping to Canada and the US love it!). I don't know why it's not available at Sephora stores, since this colour is perfect for summer and I could see a lot of people liking this one. This blush retails for $26 US.

Here is a swatch, I just picked up a tiny amount because this blush is super pigmented! You can see the gold yellow sheen on it. I think this blush would be ideal for dark, warm skintones. However, with a light hand, it can look gorgeous on anyone. I am NC15 and this looks great on me with a light hand, you can easily overdo it! I'd suggest using a stippling brush to apply it, dab some off on the back of your hand first, as this is really easy to overdo and you'll look like an orange clown.

And here I will compare with the blush that I thought from reviews was a dupe of Taj Mahal, NYX's Cinnamon. As you can tell in the pan, Cinnamon is straight up light orange, whereas Taj Mahal is completely different, a burnt orange (with more coppery tones).

NYX Cinnamon is also a matte blush, whereas Taj Mahal has dimension to it, a pretty glow from within aspect to it, that you will not get from Cinnamon. Are they in the same colour family? Sure they are both orange blushes, but they are NOT dupes.

And here is a swatch on my hand of the two, Cinnamon is definitely not as pigmented as Taj Mahal when blended out here. Taj Mahal packs a punch with very vibrant orange whereas NYX goes away into almost nothing quickly. Cinnamon is also very powdery, whereas Taj Mahal does not feel like a powder, it's very smooth. I find both are pretty don't get wrong, but they are not dupes.

Would I recommend this product? Taj Mahal is gorgeous, I totally recommend it. And there is definitely not another colour like this in my collection.


  1. I do love peach/oranges but i think this is too in your face for even me :) xx

  2. Excellent review as always. NARS Taj Mahal is a beauty, I love wearing it! :)

  3. ooh nice color but surprisingly i actually like the nyx one better in the comparison swatch pic! =D thanks!!

  4. I've been meaning to try more orange blushes. Maybe I'll start with NYX, much less chance of me over doing it!

  5. I just saw your post on Gina and that's definitely more my blush! It's so beautiful. Do you happen to know how it compares to Chanel Espiegle?

  6. @Tania - sorry I don't own any Chanel blushes to compare.

  7. Thanks so much for this post. I have been looking for this blush for the longest time and since Sephora doesn't carry it, I have been quite bummed out. I'll definitely order it from the website you mentioned :) I wonder if this is available at Holts, but I have so much about Taj Mahal from so many other bloggers that I have no doubt that it will look fantastic on me. I <3 NARS blushes.

  8. @Adorable on your vanity - I like ordering online because it saves me from over-spending in the store, I feel the counter people always convince me to buy more! I think it is available at The Bay/Holt's, but I haven't checked myself.

  9. I usually don't care for shimmer in blushes, but I love it with Taj Mahal.

  10. I have Cinnamon... and I like it! But I still wanna have someday a Taj Mahal! Maybe in my next international shopping... =D

  11. I love this blush! I want! It will be my next Nars blush. :)

  12. Oh, Taj Mahal! Every time I see someone post about it, I die a little on the inside because I want it so bad! It's just a matter of time before I cave...

  13. I was so tempted to get this but I managed to walk away. You're right, it's at both The Bay and Holt Renfrew. I like that you mentioned it's easy to overdo this blush - to me, it's not worth the trouble and I don't think I love the colour long-term. I'm on an orange kick like you are. ;)

  14. i have recently got this too and i have been using it all this time ive been on vacation! i love it too. so glad i got it

  15. omg i love the nars orange! it's so vibrant =3 thanks for the review + swatch!

  16. Very good review! 'Taj Mahal' has been in my wish list for a while now.. but the intensity of the color seems to 'scare' me a little... It looks so good in the pictures though.. I'm definitely going to buy it! :) xxx

  17. such a beautiful color..but for some reason..I think I like the NYX on and nars blush have never really gotten along..I always return them..even thought I am a huge blush fanatic

  18. This is beautiful for spring and summer :D It'd look amazing with a tan!

  19. It looks so beautiful, but orange just never works on my skin :( And that pigmentation difference between it and the NYX is intense!

  20. You are tempting me too much! Thanks for the headsup re: Question: did you have to pay extra taxes/duties/cutoms when you ordered from them???
    Thanks again.PS. love your blog!

  21. @Anonymous - Never had to pay any customs or duties. I only ordered one nars blush at a time though, so my order was small. keep your orders down to $30 and you will be fine.


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