
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Little Revlon Hauling and Trying out Estee Lauder Double Wear

I picked up some Revlon items today, Zellers had a 30% off sale that ended today. I didn't go crazy because frankly, I have too much makeup, enough to last me the rest of my life so I am trying to be good. Also, I am moving to Toronto next month and started organizing, packing, throwing stuff out. The later was the biggest, throwing shit out that I don't need/use/like/have a need for etc. It's ridiculous the amount of stuff I have. Makeup is pretty but.. happiness is wanting the stuff you already have!

Anyway, the items that I picked up:

1) Revlon Age Defying Moisturizing Concealer (Light): A concealer that is moisturizing sounds good to me. I've been hearing about this one a lot on youtube, so I decided to try it out.

2) Revlon Gray Suede: I passed on this nail polish when the Daydreamer collection first came out, but I liked swatches that I saw online.

3) Revlon Grow Luscious (Black): Being a mascara junkie, I had to pick this up, but couldn't stomach paying $8-10 for yet annnother mascara, so I am glad that I waited for a sale. I will report back about whether it made my lashes 'luscious'.

4) Revlon Super Lustruous Lipgloss in Pink Pop - This is a backup, I have this already and it's super pigmented and a lovely colour, so I got another, it was like $5.

And then lastly, I went to the Estee Lauder counter at The Bay (like Nordstrom for my American readers) and got colour-matched with the Double Wear foundation. The girl was really nice, she was helping someone else when I got there and I waited patiently until she was done, she kept telling me to sit down and she'll be done soon, and I was like it's cool, I can wait. My apartment was being shown today and I avoided being at home on purpose so I had all the time in the world.

I researched shades online first, having never used anything Estee Lauder before. They had a lot of shades online, but at the counter there were only like 3 possibilities for my skin colour. She tried a few on me and then decided "1W2 Linen" was the best match. She didn't have enough to give me a 10 day sample in the bottle, so she gave me the closest shade "1N1 Ecru" but said that Linen would be better at canceling out redness. I wanted to test it out before I buy it, see how my skin responds and how it wears. It's $42 and that's a lot so I want to be sure I like it first. Look how cute the little sample bottle is aww. I will report back in a week or so and tell you guys how I liked or disliked it.

If you've tried Estee Lauder Double Wear foundation please comment below on if you liked it and your colour match.


  1. I have double wear. I hate it for me, it's really drying. I had so much dead skin after and it looked really bad on my skin. I think if you have oily skin this will be amazing.

  2. @poorcollegestudent - I have dry skin, and I have heard that too.

  3. I have the Revlon concealer and I love it :) It's great for under my eyes and it really is moisturizing!

    I want to get some of the lipglosses that came out with Pink Pop next week, more specifically Peach Petal and Coral Reef. A lot of people like Pink Pop too but I'm scared it's a really opaque pink. Do you think it comes out really bright? Or is it more of a normal pink... does that make sense? haha

  4. Please do a review on the Revlon concealer when you get the chance. I have been looking at buying that. That color lipgloss looks so pretty in the tube. I would love to see a photo of that on the lips.

  5. I'd love to hear how you liked that concealer. I've been thinking of picking it up for awhile

  6. I just got colour matched on Tuesday for some for a trial/review I'm doing. I had high hopes for it, but I'm not overly impressed so far. It's pretty drying (and my skin isn't dry), and it doesn't cover the redness in my cheeks. When the girl at the counter put it on it looked fantastic, but she must have packed it on and cleverly made it look not so much, because I have not been able to replicate what she did.

    I do love the colour though - it's Desert Beige, and it's pretty much a perfect match for me. It's rare that I can find a foundation that matches so well, so I'm even more disappointed that I'm not loving it.

  7. Double Wear is definitely on my things to purchase soon. I do have oily skin, so I'm hoping it works out!

  8. @AngelicBetrayal - The revlon glosses from the daydreamer collection are well pigmented for a gloss, but not crazy pigmented if you know what I mean. I can do a full review and swatches of them all soon. I can't find coral reef in canada but have the other 3 and they are fabulous. I buy backups any chance that I find them on sale.

    @Junerose and @spifftiff88- for sure will do a review of the revlon concealer, I have high hopes, it's on a lot of people's favourite lists and I like that it's moisturizing and great packaging.

    @Dee - ya the estee lauder artist told me that double wear is the best selling foundation in north america, that isn't going to make me want to buy it? I was only interested in a sample for now. When she applies it on my chin I didn't see amazing coverage either, but she said it has great coverage.

    @RoAMYlive - sometimes I wish my skin was more oilier, it would be much easier to find products that work for me. :)

  9. oooh let us know how you like the concealer from Revlon. I've been eying that for a while.

  10. I went to the Estee Lauder counter at the Bay yesterday to see if I can get a color matched 10 day sample. The SA there acted as she's never heard of this promo before. She kept insisting that there is no such sample given out. I was quite insulted as she acted as I was trying to scam her. Too bad NARS Sheer Glow made me itchy, otherwise, I would be buying it. I am so not impressed with the EL counter person.

  11. @Junerose - wow that sucks, my Bay had signs around the Estee Lauder counter advertising this promotion. Also, I did have the page from Glamour magazine with me in case I was shut down when I went. I am sorry to hear Sheer Glow didn't work for you. If it makes you feel better, I don't think Double Wear is for me anyway, too drying for my dry skin.


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