
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Announcement: PR 100 Follower Giveaway

I'd like to thank everyone that comes on here to read my blog. It's really cool seeing that people have an interest in what I write about. I love reading comments and responding to all of you. I think it's totally cool to have readers from all over the world too, I track who comes on here and see everything, I am nuts like that!

So since PR is almost at 100 followers, I am announcing that when we reach 100, there will shortly be a giveaway. I don't know exactly what items will be included, it will just be my way of saying thanks to my followers, and it will totally kickass and will be super awesome, just like all of you!

Again, thank you very much for reading and commenting, following all that. If you have any suggestions on how to make this blog better, please let me know. You guys totally make me smile :D


  1. yeheyy, looking forward to join the give away :D

  2. that's exciting !

  3. Your first giveaway!! So exciting. =)

  4. How neat. I enjoy your blog,

  5. i am a new follower and I am really enjoying your blog so far!

  6. Thanks everyone. I am happy that others enjoy this blog! :)


I love comments and will always read and try to reply to them. Your comments encourage me to blog and give me an idea of what my readers like and don't like. Please don't spam your blog link in the comments, when you post a comment your blog link shows already! :)