
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Review: Loose Button November Luxebox and Giveaway

November's Luxebox was really nice if you like perfume! And I do. Please note every box can differ, so the items that I got in mine, may not be the same that you get in yours, however some of the items do appear in many Luxeboxes that I have seen from reviews this month, like the Tea sample, came in all of them as far as I can tell. I got this box a few weeks ago, it's been a busy month for me, my boyfriend and I have been trying to find a new apartment and Christmas shopping has got in the way too. What can you? Here is my review for November's Luxebox, as well there is a giveaway at the end! If you're interested in subscribing to Luxebox, memberships are $12 a month or $10 for a yearly membership. They make a great gift for someone and are a nice gift for yourself too every month!

The items that excited me the most this month were the perfumes. Mine came with two perfume, one for me and one for my boyfriend! They are both from Paco Rabanne in Black XS. When I saw them in the box, I automatically sprayed the men's one (not knowing it was the men's one of course) because the packaging was so cute, it looks just like a cigeratte lighter. I am a big fan of the packaging on these.

The items contained in my November Luxebox included (left to right)
•  Teaopia Cactus Fig Tea Kit - This was a bonus item this month, this is a loose tea contained in a cute orange tin. They also supplied paper filters to brew the tea in. We also got a coupon card for 20% off
• Benefit B. Right Total Moisture Facial Cram - I love the packaging on this, it comes in a glass pot. I have never tried any Benefit skincare items, so it was really nice to see this in my box. Other luxeboxs included the toner instead which came in a taller glass bottle.
•  Mereadesso Lip Treats - With the winter weather here, I've been loving lip products and this balm has lots of vitamins that are meant to nourish your lips. I've kept this in my purse to re-apply during the day when I am out, liking this product so far.
• Lise Watier Eye Glitter Liner - Perfect for the holidays, a white shimmery glitter liner.
• Olay Regenerist Wrinkle Revolution Complex - We are asked to try out this product and they will send out feedback surveys in the upcoming weeks. I like getting new products in these that are not necessarily on the market yet (last month's included an Olay sample too).
• Paco Rabanne Black XS for Her and Black XS (for Him) - I love these so much, packaging is a big deal to me and I love that these came on keychains and are super cute.

And here is the card that came with it, you can zoom in and see all the products included. Overall I am happy with the products this month. I like seeing bigger brands included in our Luxeboxes like Benefit and Paco Rabanne, I hope Luxebox keeps it up.

Loose Button is running a contest right now on their Facebook Page, they are giving away Special Edition Lancome Luxeboxes to the top 25 beauty bloggers (that are entered in the contest). If you can, please vote for me, I would love to remain in the top 25, if I do, I will get a Lancome Luxebox to giveaway on this blog too! You can vote everyday and it closes this Friday, December 9. My entry is under Justine Ulman, and there is a mini picture from the banner on my blog.

And now time for the giveaway! One person will win a Loose Button Luxebox for December! Please leave me a comment below about whether you've started your Christmas shopping yet, and what family member you find hardest to shop for. For an extra entry, please tweet about this contest (post if you did in a separate comment with the link). This giveaway is open to Canadian residents only.

Please retweet this tweet below!/productrater/status/144212436919123968 

Contest closes Monday, December 12.

Winner chosen! Halifax at Sparkled Beauty Congratulations!


  1. I'm all done my Christmas shopping! I'm a student so it's hard to find to shop once December exams start. I find my mom hardest to buy presents for because she's so picky!!

  2. Haven't started my Christmas shopping yet but I plan to sometime this week and next :) My mom is the hardest to shop for because when I ask her want she would like, she'll say she doesn't need anything. So I really need to think before I choose a gift for her :)

  3. Tweeted!!/lipsspeaks/status/144229778554228736
    EMAIL: lisang91 AT hotmail DOt com

  4. I suppose I have started with my shopping. I'm also getting married in about a week's time so you can just imagine how stressful it is!

    katch05 at gmail dot com

  5. I've got a lot of my Christmas shopping done so far. I find it hardest to shop for my brother because I never know what he wants!

  6. I am almost done my Christmas shopping. I only have a few more things to get. I find it is hardest to shop for my dad, he never wants anything.

  7. I haven't started my xmas shopping yet =/ I do a secret santa with all my friends and family so without them listing the items that they want would be the hardest..i need that list!! lol

    i retweeted.!/productrater/status/144212436919123968

  8. oh god, I haven't even started... it's really hard to shop for men in general, either my dad or my husband "who don't need anything"

    I have also retweeted the link

  9. I barely started Christmas shopping yet! I`m gonna make time for it once exams are over. I find that it's hard to look for gifts for my boyfriend and his father. For me, generally males are hard to get gifts for.

  10. I haven't finished Christmas shopping yet. My dad is the hardest to shop for because he won't ever tell anyone what he wants.

  11. I am done my Christmas shopping! The hardest person to shop for is my dad because he's only into cameras and computers, two things I am TOTALLY clueless about!

  12. i havent finished christmas shopping yet but the hardest person to buy is my mom! shes so picky and you NEED a recepit whenever you buy her something lol.
    thanks for the giveaway :)

  13. did not shop for christmas yet but im planning to buy some makeup, and for my sisters new bags, i find it hard to shop for my bf, specially if buying him shoes omg!

    i re-tweeted: AmzDragonSlayer


  14. I would say just about anybody is hard to shop for gifts for. I'm always afraid they might not like what I got. Yesterday I got my bf 2 watches online. I couldn't sleep, he's quite picky about how watches look like before he buys them. I showed him the pictures and THANK GOD, he loved what I picked out! now I just need a watch jewelery box for him ! lol

    My mom is the hardest to shop gifts for. She never really liked material things as gifts. That's why MONEY will be her gift! haha.

    Anyways, I hope you are one of the top 25! I'd LOVE to win the fan box since I haven't subscribed to Loose Button yet! :)

  15. I'm right in the middle of CHristmas shopping. I find it hard to buy for my in-laws because they already have everything!

  16. What a great box you got this month!

    I'm almost done with my Christmas, as I try to avoid the malls and shopping centers as Christmas nears. Those crowds can be crazy! My dad is the hardest person to shop for. I feel like I always gift him the same kind of stuff...-sigh- This year I got him indoor/outdoor slippers. Hope he'll make use out of them~ ^^

  17. I have a bit of shopping to do still.

    My mom is always the hardest to find the right gift for.

    amt (at)telus (dot)net

  18. tweeted!/amt946/status/144309703139262464

    amt (at)telus (dot)net

  19. Where my family lives, they don't celebrate Xmas, so no gift exchange. For the bf's family, I'll have to leave the gift buying with him, as I'm travelling

  20. My tweet!/Sparkled_Beauty/status/144317418741829634

  21. This year we are only doing gifts for our little boys and I am about half done shopping for them. I typically have the hardest time shopping for my husband, he's impossible!


    Good luck!

  22. I have a white glitter eyeliner fomr Lise Watier, I think the name is Opal and I really like it. Reminds me I haven't used it in ages!

  23. I've actually finished my shopping (amazingly!)...and I don't think I have someone in my family who is hard to shop for---I pick up items for people when I see something that I just 'KNOW' suits them...and I do it throughout the year so I don't have all that pressure come December.

  24. I've actually finished my shopping (amazingly!)...and I don't think I have someone in my family who is hard to shop for---I pick up items for people when I see something that I just 'KNOW' suits them...and I do it throughout the year so I don't have all that pressure come December.

  25. I'm almost, almossssst done my Christmas shopping. Almost all done online this year, which was a timesave and a lifesave lol plus you can get some great deals! The heardest person to shop for was my boyfriend... He's the only one I still have on my list. I've got a couple of small things for him, but can't find the perfect gift!

    Danielle Thomson (dee.thomson[at]

  26. Also retweeted as @deedeemixxx


  27. Lovely giveaway, thanks! Yes, I have started my Christmas shopping and I'm almost done! My sister is the hardest person to buy for because she doesn't deny herself anything and loves shopping...I always end up giving her a GC to her favourite mall.

    Retweeted @LittleMama71

    Thanks, Lisa

  28. I've been thinking about Christmas shopping, but haven't started yet! My dad is usually impossible, though. He has everything he would ever want and need, so it's kind of hard to figure out what to get him! I think I might get him some Echo Design gloves though, because he's an iPhone convert now, haha.

  29. I haven't started Christmas shopping yet! I need to get through exams before I even think about it! My dad is hardest to shop for. He never wants anything or gives any ideas. lol

  30. I've only bought a few things here and there but not officially no. I am in the midst of finals season! My last final isn't until Dec 15 so unfortunately, no shopping for me just yet!

    i think my dad is the hardest to shop for! he's always working and he hardly has time for leisure so i don't know what would be a practical and nice present!

    retweeted @jennnerin

    fifty.threee at

  31. I have only bought a few gifts so far, I really need to start! My boyfriend is the hardest to buy for, I have no clue what to get him this year!
    OPI Addict

  32. retweeted @opiaddict
    Thank you so much! :)
    OPI Addict

  33. I am almost done my christmas shopping ,i am hoping to finish up this weekend

  34. tweet!/flower_child_23/status/144868223605682176

  35. I finished most of my christmas shopping except for my dad :(. He's always the hardest to shop for because I never know what he wants!
    I also tweeted @BeccaMeows.
    Good luck with the FB contest! I voted :).

  36. I'm pretty much done :) only getting gifts for the bf, 2 friends and bf's parents!

    retweeted @TheFunkyCrew

  37. oh and I don't have anyone too picky - I love the idea about finding the best gifts so nothing is hard for me :)

  38. I haven't started on my Christmas shopping. I tend to leave it to the last minute as I dread going to the malls at this time of the year. The hardest person to shop for is my mom, so she gets cold hard cash, which, btw, she is very happy with.

  39. I haven't started xmas shopping yet because I don't have enough, but if I do have something before xmas I'll be buying my husband and baby a little something :)
    I find it hard to shop for my dad because he doesn't ever need or want anything o.O lol

  40. I tweeted about it too btw :)!/Kysbelsm

  41. I am almost completely done except for some things for my hubs.

    Re-tweeted (@tjbugnet)

  42. I am pretty well finished my Christmas shopping. I find it hardest to buy for my brothers. It seems they get the same things year after year!


  43. Here's my tweet link (I missed adding it to previous entry):!/glogirl3/status/146043809451622400

  44. my shopping is all done~! The hardest to buy for on my list is my dad, he has everything and wants nothing


  45. tweeted!/Prairiebelle/status/146096436944187392

