
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sigma Makeup $50 Gift Card Winner

Whenever I make these winner posts I always spend a lot of time trying to find a cute picture to include and fall short with lame ones like this lol. Thank you to everyone that entered my latest Sigma Makeup $50 giveaway. I enjoy spreading the word about these brushes and giving you guys a chance to try them out too.

The winner of this giveaway is... Marilou


  1. Aw, you spelled the name wrong, it was supposed to be spelled Glamatronic. haha, just kidding. Congrats Marilou. : )

  2. Congrats to the are going to love your Sigma brushes!

  3. WOO HOOOO :) I'm the happiest girl right now! Thank you Justine !!!! (thanks girl for the congrats too) I feel like dancing in my room to celebrate. Ah ah


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