
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Where I've Been Lately

Just a note in case you are wondering, I haven't blogged anything in the past few days. And my last 3-4 posts were pre-written scheduled ones too. I moved to Toronto a few days ago and am now in the un-packing stages. And before then I was packing everything to move over, and didn't have the time to blog anything here. All will be back to normal soon once I figure out where my camera is hiding!

I have some packages here from ELF, Sigma, Rock and Republic, Amazon Essie nail polish so there will be reviews/hauls coming up for sure, as well as my November favourites. Thanks for sticking with me and we shall talk soon! :)

Also, I just thought I would add this in..if anyone knows of a place in downtown Toronto that is hiring and could hook me up in any way, please let me know. :)


  1. Hey Justine,
    Hope your move went smoothly. Can't wait for the furture posts, sounds like alot of good stuff! Thanks again for the essie nail polish site on Amazon, I can't believe I bought them for 12 dollars at SDM, all well I'll know for next time. Take care!
    (I should really make a twitter account, it would make it easier to communicate)

  2. You are going to LOVE Toronto :) So many things to do and see!!

    Good luck with unpacking--hope everything goes well!

    Can't wait to see your posts!!

  3. Congrats on the move and good luck unpacking! There is always *so* much to do when you move! Will be looking forward to your upcoming reviews! :)

  4. Moving is so exhausting for me! Can't wait for you to be back. :)

  5. I hope you dont lose anything during the move, i usually cant find at leasat 1/8 of my stuff whenever i move! where were you before? and I hope u enjoy toronto! =) Hopefully in the future, i can somehow organize a meet with other toronto bloggers/ gurus! looks fwd to meeting you! =D

  6. @lovelylisa - glad it worked out, the only thing with that seller is I find sometimes they forget something in my order claiming it's out of stock, so keep an eye on that!

    @Steph - thanks, I grew up in Toronto so I am glad to be back.

    @MissJayce - I was in Kitchener before, about 2 hours west of Toronto. I think it would be awesome to meet up with some beauty bloggers!

  7. Welcome back! :D Where did you come from? I love Toronto<3

    xx The Little Dust Princess

  8. Welcome, welcome, welcome (back?) to toronto Justine! :)

  9. Welcome to Toronto! Let me know if your up for a latte, love to chat blog:)

  10. Congratulations on a successful move, Justine. I hope that photo is the view from your condo!
    You got your R&R blushes! I am looking forward to that review.
    Take care!

  11. @Little Dust Princess - I lived in Kitchener for like 9 years prior.

    @Beautyparler - That would be great. Do you live in downtown area?

    @Junerose - I got them yesterday,plus $18.50 in duty that I had to pay the Fedex guy. I find whenever a store ships through Fedex there is issues with having to pay extra. But I got them and I won't be buying anymore from them, as gorgeous as they are, too expensive!

  12. That's awful about the extra charges, Justine. That and the horribly high s/h practically canceled out the referral discount that you got =[

  13. @Junerose - mmhmmm.. $39 US for the product (with shipping) plus $18.51 CAD for duty ends up being $60ish. But..the blushes are still $40 regular and I would of been charged $24 shipping on top of that so it's still decent. But ya, I won't be getting anymore, even though I have crediting now from people using my link. For those in the US, it's a great deal, Canadians get the shaft as per usual!

  14. Oh em gee ! you moved to torontooooo. Ok I'm so jealous. This city is my hometown at heart.
    I lived there 6 months and I'm sooo planning to get back there as soon as I will finish my studies :)
    How is it right now? I guess very cold and snoowy haha
    I was living in Dundas West and my school was located at Bay. I had. the. LIFE !!! vivaa torontoo


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