
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Review: ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer Vs Urban Decay Primer Potion

I love my Urban Decay Primer Potion (UDPP), but recently my one in Sin cracked on the bottom. This is the result of it rolling off the site of my bathroom counter and falling on the floor too many times. The packaging of the UDPP is cute, but not practical, since mine broke! and it was only like 25% finished, it was a product I used everyday and now I have to find a way to depot it or continue to have it ooze out of the bottom. So while that one has been on standby, I have been reaching for my neglected ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer. I used this when I first got it and then reverted back to other primers. Today I will be comparing the ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer to the original Urban Decay Primer Potion.

ELF's Mineral Eyeshadow Primer (not to be confused with the "eyelid primer" which is $1) retails for only $3 on the ELF website and it rivals the cult favourite Urban Decay Primer Potion. Mine fell apart after a few uses, the cap unglued from the lid, it sucks, but it doesn't change the performance of the product at all. This product serves the same purpose as the UDPP, you put in on your eyelids and it acts as a base for your eyeshadow, keeping it in place and from creasing all day. You get about half as much product in the ELF primer than you do in the UDPP, but more than half the price (for the same size equivalent). The texture is a bit different, but I think the product is very comparable.

Both products have a doe-foot applicator. The new UDPP has a slanted one, mine is really old. As you can tell the UDPP is more opaque and will do a better job at neutralizing the eye area (taking away darkness and appearance of veins) because it is more pinky salmon coloured. The ELF is also thinner and waterier in consistency, while the UDPP is thick and more dry. I find the UDPP easier to apply because it is thicker, I feel like it covers quicker. My swatches are not straight out of the bottle, hence why they have dried on my arm, it takes a while to take proper pictures sometimes.

Now the important part, the performance! Does the ELF primer work as well as the UDPP? I put the UDPP on one eye and the ELF on the other and wore it around all day. Above is the final result after wearing it for 12 hours or so. The difference is very minor, if you look objectively (click to zoom picture) the ELF side is faded and less vibrant. The UDPP side is shinier and prettier. But neither one has creased. I used Rimmel's Smokey Brun quad here for the look, I wanted to use some cheap eyeshadow to really show any variation. I find with MAC shadows they always look good, regardless of what primer you use.

So for the purpose of "does it perform the same way?", I think the ELF Primer does a fine job. I think for $3 it's a really good buy if you are on a budget. If you used high quality eyeshadow you would not notice the difference between this and UDPP. Urban Decay has started to package their primer in better packaging recently, I am not sure if this is permanent though, many people dislike the UDPP packaging, as do I and should really be buying Too Faced shadow insurance instead, the ELF primer falls into the same problem, the package isn't great, but the product is totally fine.

Have you tried the ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer? How did you find it?


  1. thanks for this review! very indepth and interesting! for ur broken UDPP, youtube gurus shows how to depot, hope that helps =)

    i think i might try the ELF primer when im done with my UDPP =))

  2. Wow your eyeshadow looks so pretty. Thanks for the review. =)

    And I just tagged you for the 4 Things Tag btw.

  3. Thank you for an interesting review, I don't always use a primer potion but I know I should (I usually remember that when I look at my make-up in the afternoon and see... well, nothing ^^).

    I read somewhere that you could even make your own primer potion with butter cream mixed with foundation fluid, but I'm not so sure of the result in that case :)

  4. nice post! :)
    thanks or comparing them.. it's very useful

  5. Thanks for the review, I've been hearing great things about elf's primers and now I'm envious since we don't have elf in aus. :P
    I've read that the too faced eye primer's really good too. Have you tried that one?

  6. I would love to try this. Too bad I can't get it here. :(

  7. Thanks for the comparison! Great review! I have the elf primer in both the mineral primer and the $1 primer. The lid came off my mineral primer as well! Overall, I am really pleased with elf's mineral primer! Would definately repurchase!

  8. Great post! A lot of people are on a budget right now so this is a GREAT idea. I'm not a big fan of UDPP, I'm just used to TFSI... I should probably look into a cheaper alternative.

  9. thanks for this!!i want to try their mineral primer.. how about the 1$ primer from ELF?? have you tried it as well?? if yes i hope you can make a review

  10. Thanks for the review and comparison. I love my primer potion, but have been curious about the ELF version.

  11. I really like the ELF, I'm a SAHM so now matter what I really haven't been out of the house for more than 5 hours in the last 2 years and this primer has made my eye shadow hold up just fine

  12. wow thanks for this comparison post. I don't own any since it's not easily available where I stay. you comparison really helped me :)

  13. I have yet to try the elf primer.
    Great post lots of info given :)

  14. Great comparison and I love your eye makeup in the pic! ;) I have the Elf one and I like it a lot!! :)

  15. @donnarence - I could do a review of the $1 eyelid primer sure, I don't really use it though, prefer this one.

    @mint - I haven't tried the too faced primer no, but it's a really good option for a primer because the packaging is nice.

    @Staroula - thanks, kinda the look I do everyday, neutral brown.

  16. thank you for the comment :)
    the tabs do work you just have to click it at the edge of the button :( haha i dont know why

  17. oMG thanks for the review!! im going for some ELF!!


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