
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Announcement: Sigma Makeup Contest Winner!

It's time for me to announce the winner of the Sigma Makeup giveaway. I would like to thank everyone that entered, I am so thrilled to have all you girls read my blog and love all the lovely comments. It makes my day to come here and catch up on everyone's blogs. I wish I could give all of you girls a prize cause I am totally grateful that you all come here and support me.

I love Sigma Makeup and I was so excited to be able to do this giveaway on my blog. It gives you girls a chance to try out their brushes and tell everyone what you think of them too. I hope the winner likes what they get! Again, the winner gets to choose $50 worth of Sigma Makeup products of their choice. I will be contacting the winner immediately and getting the necessary information and Sigma will ship the prizes to you! Winner was chosen by

The winner of the contest is....


I love comments and will always read and try to reply to them. Your comments encourage me to blog and give me an idea of what my readers like and don't like. Please don't spam your blog link in the comments, when you post a comment your blog link shows already! :)