
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Review: Almay Smart Shade Smart Balance Makeup

almay smart shade smart balance makeup
Almay's Smart Shade Smart Balance Makeup is one of those skin matching foundations. This one is a step up from the Smart Shade makeup, this one claims to "keep your oily areas shine-free and dry skin softly hydrated." My skin is generally dry, but some areas like my chin can be oilier so I thought this may be good for me. I thought it was neat that this would provide moisture and oil control in one. Also, I LOVE the Revlon Skin Matching makeup, which I reviewed earlier, and thought maybe this would be a better colour match for me.

The colour match was not any better than the Revlon Skin Matching, it even looked a tad more orange (see pic below). I think these types of foundations are not meant for those with fair skin, I am an NC15 in MAC and the lightest shade in these is just a tad too dark, but I can manage it since I do like the consistency and performance of these. The coverage is light, this feels like a tinted moisturizer, a concealer is definitely needed with this if you have areas to cover up. I would suggest this for those of you who do not like the feel of heavy foundations, as this feels like you aren't wearing anything at all and it definitely let's your skin breathe.

Like the Revlon Skin Matching foundation, this does not so much 'match' your skin, the liquid is heat-activated so once it touches your skin or is warmed by your hands, it will turn to a pre-determined colour. As you can tell in the image above it comes out of the tube white with little grey specks. It is advertised as having "shade sensing microbeads that start out white and instantly adjust to match your natural skin tone", that sounds neat and fancy, but it isn't psychic or detecting. As you can tell from the second image above, the colour is very similar to the Revlon Skin Matching in Light. This one did not provide any better of a colour match. Also, if you build this up to try and achieve more coverage, it will give you more coverage, but it will also turn darker in those areas, which is not a pretty look.

The packaging is great, I love these squeezy tubes, you can squeeze out as much as you want, it's sanitary and easy to use. However it comes in only four shades, so it is difficult to get the right match: Light, Light/Medium, Medium and Medium Dark, I hate when companies do that because it alienates a lot of people who would normally buy this if they could find the right match. This one also has SPF15, as the Revlon one and is dermatologist tested. The ingredients seem to be the same too, this one has a touch less Titanium Dioxide, this one has 3.8%, while the Revlon has 3.9%. Other than that, it feels and looks the same on. I think it's the same product just packaged differently.

I apply this with a flat top brush, although it suggests to apply it with your hands. Make sure you blend these types of foundations in well or else you will get streaking. The consistency of these is really smooth and feels really good on the skin. I have not broken out from this or the Revlon Skin Matching makeup. I also like that this is so light, I can apply powder over top and not get that cakey look.

However, I did not find this was a "smart" shade for me, nor did I feel any "smart" balancing on my skin.. so for me, this was a fail product. It works just like the Revlon Skin Matching, you could go with either or.

Have you tried any of these skin matching type products? Do you like them?


  1. Great review- I always pass over this product and wonder about it. I'm glad I didn't waste the money on it!

  2. Great review and comparison. I was thinking of trying the smart shade balance, but I think I might have to pass on it.

  3. @Bailey - have you used the revlon skin matching?

  4. I hate these skin matching formulas because there is no science in existence that makes foundation know how to adapt to the shade or type of skin you have. It goes to the same color no matter who it's on.

  5. thanks for the review. I had been considering getting this one or the Revlon version. Most review for both products aren't very high. I think the product seems a bit gimmick-y I'll probably pass.

  6. @PoorCollegeStudent - I know, I love watching all the youtube videos where everyone is so impressed that it changes to their actual skin colour.. like okay no it doesn't. ;)

    I like that it's like a tinted moisturizer, I do wear the revlon one a lot, in the summer it's great, but ya don't believe the claim they make at all, as these do run too dark on me, fair girls behave. I would suggest NC20-NW20 and up only.

  7. Almay is owned by Revlon, so the two "skin matching" foundations from both brands are exactly the same! I have only used the Revlon one and am not impressed by it. Like you said, the coverage is like a tinted moisturizer, which I don't mind, but man, is the color ever orangey!

  8. @Junerose - agreed, I recently learned that they are the same manufacturer so ya that makes sense. This one was supposed to have skin balancing stuff in it, so I thought what the heck..and it was on sale. I like that it's light, but ya orange. I wore neutrogena healthy skin today and I was like..whoa this makes me look pale (as I am) cause I am so used to wearing orange looking foundations.I mean I don't think other people would think they look orange on me, maybe they would..eek.

  9. No I haven't. I thought the Almay would be better for my combination (mostly dry)skin, but I haven't tried either yet.

  10. I always thought this was a bit gimmicky and it really does look orange on your hand.

  11. @~Lisa - once it's blended in on the face it doesn't look all that orange, I just made the swatch really thick so that you can really see the colour. ;)


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