
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Blog Award: The Versatile Blogger

I recently was awarded "The Versatile Blogger" award from the lovely Beauty Style Addict. You guys should check her out!

As a recipient of this award, I am have to post 7 random facts about myself and share the award with other bloggers of my choice.

So random facts about me.
1) I could live off Starbucks iced coffee drinks, like the Iced Vanilla Latte. I buy the cases of the Starbucks Mocha frapps at Costco, they make Vanilla ones too, but Costco doesn't sell those currently, which is a shame.

2) I have two cats and they drive me nuts and hang out with me all day long.

Pesky (I found her like that, I swear)

3) I love the blue Smarties kitty and am sporting him currently as a avatar on several forums that I frequent.

4) I graduated from a Canadian university (won't say which one) with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies, but since graduating like 3 years ago, haven't been able to do anything with it. Since then, I have been more interested in doing something in public relations or promotions.

5) Another blog of mine is a Canadian Daily Deals blog which I started up recently where I post deals, coupons, freebies etc.

6) A strange habit I've had since I was a teen was picking at the skin around my fingernails. I don't know if it's an anxiety thing or boredom, but it makes it interested taking nail pics sometimes, cause they can get pretty dry and bad at times. I go through moments were I don't pick at all, and then I go right back.

7) I love lily of the valley flowers, they remind me of living in Poland, where I was born.

And the bloggers who I would like to award this..award to include:
The Cute Life
Helmet Head
Emerald Green 88
My Fit Beauty
E motion in motion


  1. That picture of your cat at the computer made me laugh out loud. Cats do the strangest things (I have 3!).

  2. Your cats are adorable! I have a cat that's with my family and my boyfriend's family has 4 cats. I miss them all terribly. Luckily there are a lot of cats in my apartment building that I can borrow!

  3. Thank you so much for the award! :D

    I love your kitties! Scooter looks like my cat, Muffin :3 Aww and that picture of Pesky is super cute!

  4. @Jennifer - I think she was trying to mimic me, lol.

    @PoorCollegeStudent - I have a small apartment and always want to get more cats, I am going to be a crazy cat lady when I get older. Both of these were adopted.

    @e.motion - No problem, love your blog! Aww muffin is a cute name ;)

  5. I love your cat pesky's pic with the laptop it is sooooo cute I have bet birds and a doggie and I know they do such funny things and I don't think your habit of picking skin around fingernails is strange because I too do the same sometimes

  6. That is crazy that you run two blogs!! Very cool and thanks for picking me :)

  7. Hey Hun! thanks for the award! <3

    your cats are so cute! i wish i could get a cat, but my daughters have asthma!

    you know i also pick at the skin around my nails.. and after they are raw i bite them (when i'm really bored i guess!) lol.. luckily i haven't done it for awhile, but i do, do that from time to time! :)


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