
Friday, July 23, 2010

I Heart Your Blog Award

Thank you to Pinkbox Makeup for giving me this award. You are awesome and I love reading your blog! :) You guys should all check her out..

So as a receipient of this award I am to post the award on my blog, link to the person who gave it to me (done) and choose 15 lovely blogs whom I love as well, and let those 15 people know that I have.

Here are my Top 15:
1. MaquilagemMasstige
2. In Her Makeup Bag
3. The Makeup Drawer
4. Jo Make Me Blush
5. Drugstore & Bargain Lover
6. Shops2Much
7. Pretty as Peaches
8. Will Work For Makeup
9. Lora Does Makeup
10. Babbling Brooke
11. sparkly paints
12. Sparkled Beauty
13. beauty parler
14. Short n Chic
15. Makeup Savvy

Also, unrelated but, I added a ratings function under my blog posts, so if you like you can rate my posts. I think this feature is totally cool. ;)


  1. Thank you for the award!!! Your so sweet:-)

  2. awww, thank you so much, Justine!!! I HEART your blog too :) Thanks for the award, sweetie!! xoxoxox

  3. Thank you for the award! Glad you like my blog :)

  4. (PS- This post just allowed me to add like 10 more blogs to my blogroll LOL. Awesome!)

  5. Thank you so much for this award! xx

  6. Thanks hun :)

    Congrats on the award!

  7. We've tagged you in the "I <3 Your Blog" award thingy. Spreadin' like wildfire! :)


I love comments and will always read and try to reply to them. Your comments encourage me to blog and give me an idea of what my readers like and don't like. Please don't spam your blog link in the comments, when you post a comment your blog link shows already! :)