
Monday, June 14, 2010

Review: NYC Concealer Wheel

nyc concealer wheel
I picked up this product a while back, but didn't use it until recently. It's the NYC Concealer Wheel. I tried looking for it on their website and it's not there, so I am not sure if this product has since been discontinued? I can still find it readily in drugstores in Canada. It sells for $7.99, I got it on clearance for like $3. NYC is a really cheap brand, but some of their products are pretty alright (such as the Sunny bronzer that everyone loves).

nyc concealer wheel colours

Being on the concealer kick that I am recently, I am pretty much willing to try anything. This concealer wheel is cool cause it's a wheel with many colours, each serves a different purpose. On the back of the packaging it actually tells you what each colour is for (pictured above), so that you use it correctly and this is great for beginners. I have been using the peach colour for under my eyes and the green for concealing redness around my nose. It isn't very creamy, you gotta warm it up with your finger, and it does crease a bit for me. If the texture was better, and it blended better, it would be an awesome product. However, it is a neat product to start out with, and great for the price. There is a product from Lise Watier like this, with the different colours and I think I am going to check that out next.

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