
Friday, June 11, 2010

Review: Benefit Erase Paste

benefit erase paste
I've been on the hunt for a good under-eye concealer for a while. Recently I bought 3 concealers, ranging from liquid, cream and mousse. I was most excited about trying the Benefit Erase Paste because I have heard great things about it. It cost $30 CAD,  a price that I don't normally pay for something so small, but, concealer is important, and as I get older, I understand this more.

The benefit website describes this product as "concentrated, creamy concealer (that) brightens and camouflages in one easy step! Targets dark circles, discoloration and imperfections." This product comes in three colours: fair, medium and deep. Thank goodness the fair works for me, or else I would be SOL. I am surprised they only have this in 3 colours. I was earlier under the impression that yellow under your eyes is best for concealing, I guess from drugstore concealers which tend to be yellow. But no, peach or salmon colours are best because they neutralize the blue/purpley veins around your eyes. And this erase paste is that colour exactly, a peach colour. Also the shade is said to have "brightening melon undertones to suit every complexion."

 erase paste fair
The consistency of the product is what I would call a cream, it is really soft and you only need a small amount since it's so concentrated, so the jar (4.40g Net wt. 0.15 oz.) will last you ages. Refer to the pic above, I put a cotton round next to show how small this is. It blends very nicely and does not stick to the fine lines that you may have. If you have dry skin (which I do) it does not extenuate that either, which is great. Make sure your face is well moisturized before.

Compared to other concealers that I have tried, the erase paste is the most apricot/peach coloured, as you can tell in the image above. It also has the most glossy finish (can't tell in pic), the other three dry to a matte, flat finish. I love the opaque nature of this concealer (so you know it will cover well) but the consistency is not thick at all (as in cakey looking). It feels nice on your skin, and is easy to apply. I use my fingers to dab and blend it in lightly. The product works really well if you warm it up a bit. You can build it up with several thin layers, if you want more in an area. The product comes with a little scoop, but I haven't seen a need to use that. I find it helps if you use a primer under your eyes before you apply this. You should also set this with a translucent powder so that it stays on throughout the day (especially if you wear it for long periods of time). I have seen several reviews where people pair this up with Benefit's Powderflage, which is a "light defusing powder concealer for under eyes and face," I will considering buying that if I feel the need, anyone use that product?  I think using any setting type powder would do the trick though.

erase paste face
Darkness under the eyes is caused by heredity, fatigue and other factors. I don't really have darkness under my eyes, but I have noticed hallows and I want to cover that up and brighten, as much it possible. As you can tell in the image above, that wrinkle from the side of the nose down... how can I get rid of that? I hate it. I hate that pic too, but hopefully it illustrates what I am trying to say.

I don't sleep well and so I feel like the bags make me look older and tired, which is not cute. Others probably don't notice it so much, but I notice it and it bugs me. This product makes me feel more confident, and that's what makeup should do. As you get older, the skin around your eyes thins and can sag. I want to prevent this from accelerating as much as possible. Any tips that you guys may have, in terms of creams or anything, please let me know. I've read that for tired eyes you can apply cold teabags, drink lots of water, and of course, get more sleep. I know you can't stop aging, but you can fight it, with makeup!

I am really happy with this product. Have you tried it? What did you think?


  1. Great review. I think I'm going to try this. But what I don't like so much is the price. $30 is a lot for a concealer. :( Well I'll have to think about it.

    Thanks for the review :) xx

  2. Wow, it seems to have worked really well under the eye area!

    I've started using Shahnaz Husain Diamond rehydrant lotion under my eye area, it seems to have firmed the area nicely. It isn't an eye cream, it's for the face but can be used under the eyes too.


  3. @Luna - ya it's a lot... if you can get a sample.. I would suggest that first.

    @DesignerSpray - thanks, firming is what I need. I swear once you hit 25 it's all downhill... but that picture is really really bad LOL. I want to take it down.

  4. hmm. i have the same problem with lack of sleep and puff skin that makes me look old

  5. So glad you like Erase Paste. I've have this somewhere but I have a really hard time with concealers in general.. I STINK at applying it -plus most concealers dry out my skin. Maybe I'll give this another try.


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